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Summary of the article:
“Google is luring programming expertise from Oulu to Sweden
Google has started a recruiting campaign in the Nordic countries. The company wants to hire engineers into their technical centres in Trondheim, Århus and Luleå. From Luleå’s part, Google goes headhunting also from point-blank range, as in Oulu and Northern Finland.
– We are looking for talented and capable programmers and Oulu University has a good reputation and therefore is of course a logical place to search for expertise, says Peter Parnes, managing director in Luleå division.
Google does not tell how much people they are recruiting for instance to Luleå and company also keeps quiet about their projects and recent staff count.
– Even though we don’t tell the exact numbers, we can employ as much as good employees we can find. Usually the problem is to find good talents, Parnes says.
Last April Google acquired Swedish Marratech’s technology. The company was already in Luleå and the employees wanted to keep it that way, so Google founded an own office there. Marratech develops video conference softwares and continues to work with Marratech-name, but the acquirement may give a picture about what the people in Luleå work with. According to Parnes, Google is confident about Nordic market and the aim is to grow technical centre’s size and the whole Google presence in the area.
– Many people don’t want to move following jobs, so we ant to offer different kind of solutions for the best talents, Parnes says.
Company also let’s their employees use 20 % of working time into something one’s own interest, if it is somehow in touch with Google.
– We also work with so called soft matters, such as environment and we support uncommercial organisations around the world. In addition to technical knowledge, one can give his/her contribution in other ways as well, Parnes reminds.