
My friend with cancer mailed me earlier today. Her plan to save base cells before the final treatment failed and they haven’t found any matching donors. In a few weeks she will start the heavy treatment. I hope she makes it! She has been through treatment twice over the last 2 years and she just have to make it a third time!!! She is a true friend and I really miss her (we cannot meet due to the illness).

I miss you, my friend!!!


iTunes might be a bit buggy on Windows but there is so much happening out there around iTunes. Make me feel like I am part of some special iTunes cult (or why don’t we just call it a community). People share the libraries, recommend songs, or write full blogs about iPods and iTunes. So much great music out there and so little time to listen to it all.
I have for many years been away from the the music market. I haven’t just “had” the time to listen to music. I have been to focused on what is coming next and in the long run death so I missed to be in the present. BUT as I am now Peter 2.0 I have time to listen to music again.
My next problem is getting full MP3-ID tags on all my music. There is so much music out there without complete information 🙁 Also I cannot decide if I am going to trust iTunes to rearrange all my music on disc. I think I will make a full copy of it all (100GB almost) and give it a try.
Well, I am of to be. Tovah is probably going to wake me up around 6.40 tomorrow as that seems to be her new morning time.

My Music

Want to see some stats over my iTunes library? Well here you go 🙂 The Internet iTunes Registry shows stats about single users iTunes libraries as well as total stats. It is not updated automatically so it will not be up to date as of a few minutes. Current library size is 19283 songs, 55.1 days, 95.88GB.
hmm it is already outdated (I just added Sarah McLachlan and some more).


There is so much good music out there. So many classics to listen to. On of my all time favorites is Everly Brothers. I should get to bed but I am downloading music instead, my music library just passed 90GB with 17696 songs. Off you go you tired sod….


Tovah has a cold and she woke up at 1am this morning complaining about her ears hurting. After much fuss I got her to accept that nose spray might help, and voila it did. I am getting good at getting interrupted in my sleep and then falling asleep again, or it might be that I am accustomed these days to be tired 🙂

The Lone Dad

I have been home alone with Tovah since Saturday afternoon now and it takes a lot of energy to be a lone dad.
Today, we went swimming in Gammelstaden together with Jalle and it was really fun. Tovah almost feel a sleep on the bus home.
Picking up and leaving at day care actually goes better when we are home alone than when Johanna is her as well. Yesterday was the first day Tovah was at day care all day (8.30-17.00) and it went splendidly.
Right now I am just sitting in couch like a potato watching Detention, a really really lousy movie. So why am I watching it? I am too tired to go to bed.


We went to watch the Chalmers spex Bob today. It was so so, to much rehearsal and no spontaneity. Just talk, singing and dancing. And it was LONG. The break came after 1.45 which meant high time for Tovah to go too sleep. That she puked in the break didn’t make things better :-/
On Sunday I am taking Tovah to her very first cinema movie!!! Looney Tunes.
Good night.