All posts by Peppar

More publications and other things….

It has been a bit quiet here and the reason is work work work. I just finished a paper yesterday.
Secure Inclusion of Phones into Online E-Meetings by Peter Parnes
and Marcus Nilsson submitted a paper as well.
In the Borderland Between Wearable Computers and Pervasive Computing by Marcus Nilsson, Mikael Drugge, and Peter Parnes
Besides that it has been a week of a lot of cycling. The spring is here so it is at least 5 degrees even late at night. The SUN doesn’t really set until 21.00 which is nice! My knee hurts a bit though unfortunately, but shouldn’t stop me, right?
My mother is coming today around 15.00 and staying until Wednesday morning, meaning I am forced not to work 😉
A lot has happened in the last week, Concorde will be grounded, Intel withdrew all new P4 processors, I rediscovered Latex (I had forgotten how much fun it is ;-), the JainSIP1.1 spec is now final in stone, I found a new marvellous Blog, the Science Blog, I made a short visit into LuddKom again plus much much more!!!

More publications

Three more publications submitted from my group:
Supporting Emeetings on Java capable Mobile Phones by Roland Parviainen, and Peter Parnes
Experiences of Conveying Knowledge in Borderland by Mikael Drugge, Marcus Nilsson, Johan Kristiansson, and Peter Parnes
Applying User behavior to Bandwidth Adaptations in Collaborative Workspace Applications and Video Conferencing by Stefan Elf, Jeremiah Scholl, and Peter Parnes
Also Christer Åhlund got a paper accepted today:
Multihoming with Mobile IP by Christer Åhlund and Arkady Zaslavsky
Published at the 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications HSNMC’03, July 23-25, 2003, Estoril, Portugal

My father robbed

Just found out that my father was robbed last week. Two youngsters kicked him in the head and took his wallet and cellphone. They got 1200 SEK and my father got a hurt shoulder, a constant headache and a pair of broken glasses.
What a fucking world this is 🙁

Windows Messenger 5.0 beta

Just tried out the new Windows Messenger 5.0 beta and the cool thing is that it supports Ink, i.e. the writing with your pen on a TabletPC and then sending it as an image. He draw back is that the receiving end must have Windows Messenger 5.0 as well. If you want to receive ink messages from the contact me for a copy of the program. I guess they are going to work more on the beta as the ink part is rather limited still. You cannot change pen or color.