One of the coaches in my management course has died. His name was Freddie Lyngeraa.
Here is the official letter announcing his death.
Dear All
Orø, 25th September 2003
We are in great grief informing you that our loved and skilled colleague, co-worker and close friend, Freddie Lyngeraa has died from a serious stroke. Freddie was only 48 years old.
We, who worked together with Freddie, will miss being affected by his flaming presence, which made being together with him a mutually inspiring and intense experience.
He could melt an iceberg and turn a difficult situation into something positive. This usually meant that the roof was lifted from laughter – the warmhearted and respectful kind of laughter, which brought relief and a common willful energy to move forward. Few could match his ability to spread joy and trust into his surroundings. Few could match his generosity and helpfulness. Freddie’s creativity knew no limits – he achieved what he wanted to. In his and Fusako’s house and garden in Valby he unfolded his handicraft skills artistically and with great enthusiasm.
He was extremely successful in his work with development of leaders in Denmark and Sweden.
Freddie was an expert in making people believe in their own development possibilities. His personal talent was to transform individuals’ and organizations’ needs and wants to change into insight, action and success. Under his wings many got courage to move the limits of their own capacity.
He showed this in his work as a senior consultant, and in his work as a seminar and workshop trainer within Personal Management International (PMI), and as a teacher and trainer in The Gestalt Institute of Scandinavia (GIS-International). Also his colleagues and friends felt it.
Through the years he taught and coached leaders and co-workers from a long row of private and public companies and institutions in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Estonia. He also taught students from the GIS-training program and countless people at GIS-seminars in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Everywhere his effort has left unforgettable professional, compassionate and ethical tracks.
His death is a great sorrow for all of us who had the fortune to know him.
Freddie’s funeral services are held at Aalholm Church in Valby, Copenhagen, Saturday,
27th September at 2 pm.
On behalf of Freddie’s colleagues and friends,
John Ewans Porting Jette Maja Porting Søren Ewans Porting
Out of the four coaches from PMI Freddie is definitely the one I came closest to and his death strikes me very hard. Probably the first death around me in my whole life that really deeply affects me. I feel very sad about this……. I just feel like going out into the forest and sit on a stone….
Freddie, I will really miss you!!!