Evening with Tovah

I had a long and intensive evening with Tovah. First we went to the library and borrowed and number of story and animal books. Then we went on to MAX a got some fries and a hamburger, which we ate at home. Followed by BolliBompa and some ice cream. Now I am really tired, good night. CU tomorrow and don’t let the bed bugs bite.

Ida’s Birthday

Just got back from Ida’s birthday pre-party and we had a marvelous strawberry cake (yummy)!! Congratulations Ida and hipp hipp Hurray! 🙂
The real party is tomorrow evening for anybody interested. Just invite yourselves 🙂

Finis Origine Pendet

Finis Origine Pendet, loosely translated means “The end depends upon the beginning.” The quotation is taken out of context from the Astronomica of Manilius. This is the great academic motto of the Phillips Exeter Academy (real) as well as the St. Benedict’s Academy for Boys (Hollywood fiction) in the movie The Emperor’s Club. It is a great story about a teachers that strongly believes in good and right and put his strongest hopes onto a young son of a senator whom unfortunately disappoints his teacher by cheating. Being a university teacher myself, I feel strong sympathies for the situation presented in the movie and it really go to me. 10 stars to the movie The Emperor’s Club.

Finis Origine Pendet, The end depends upon the beginning.