Nice Day

I have had a nice day. Brunch at SODA with Goggi, Tina and Stefan. A first for me (SODA that is), the place was very nice but the food could have been better. I had a warm chicken sandwich.
After that I got a haircut, bought some presents for Tovah and Johanna and during the evening I did some virtual shopping with Johanna. It lasted over 2 hours 🙂
Right now I am watching the “classic” Crash. A rather strange movie about people getting “hot” from car crashes. Right now they are getting sexually aroused by watching a swedish car test movie with crash dummies flying around 🙂 I said it was strange, didn’t I?
During the day I also planned the Riksgränsen stay, the dinners. I thought we would start the stay on saturday with a Jamie brunch bread and gratinated onion soup and pancakes for dinner. Yummy!

Good morning oh beautiful day.

I didn’t turn out the lights until 04:00 and pushed myself out of bed at 10:00. I just cannot keep sleeping until 12 every day. Son saturday I have to get up early anyhow for my trip to the mountains (early equals around 0800). I had a quick chat on the phone with T and J. Lovely They were going swimming.
Now I am going to cut the lawn in the sun.

Tina’s Diary

Got “stuck” in Tina’s diary. It is very powerful and I feel very privileged to be allowed to share your thoughts in this way. I especially got very touched by your entries about all the legal issues regarding Ronja and your last husband. I cannot even wish that to most hated enemies (not that I actually have any of those, but anyhow).
Now for a late night snack and then I HAVE to go to bed.


Tomorrow night Jalle is coming home again. Jalle, I have really missed you. You are my dearest friend.
Jalle and I are going up to the mountains around Riksgränsen on Saturday for nice environments, nice food, long talks, and playing games. I look forward to it.
Hmm, this looks like a love letter 😉 Well, that doesn’t change the fact that I miss you, my friend.

Good night

Had one of those strange days again. Waited all day to get to talk with Johanna and felt totally beat. During the evening I emailed and chatted with J and it felt very good after words. We did some virtual shopping together 🙂 I miss you J!!! Cannot wait until you come back to Luleå so I can cook you the best dinner ever 🙂
During the night I created a Blog for my friend Tina. “Tinas Blog“. There isn’t much there yet but it is only less than an hour old 🙂 A new born….


Talking about divorce can be very agitating. I had a very wonderful day and then the subject of divorce came up again and I got very depressed. I had misunderstood some details. Once again an example of too little communication and I taking things for granted. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the subject cannot be discussed, just that I have to be more careful in what I take for granted, i.e. nothing.
Good night…..