My week

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This week has been filled with my management education and many long meetings. During the management course we worked with sociograms revealing good and bad about ourselves and our projections about others in the group. This, once again gave me new insights about myself and how I work. "What you see in others, you must have within yourself to recognize." I think that is very true.

When I was cycling home from Brändön (in shorts with rain and HEAVY wind) I made a rather substantial decision that hopefully will make me happier in the future. I cannot share it with you (yet) but I will as soon as possible. Some things have to get settled first. Just taking the decision has lifted a big stone from my chest.

I haven't had time to write very much on my blog this week and that is something I really miss. I have instead chosen to prioritize sleep and my family,, which I think is rather important :-)

Now Tovah is asleep and I am going to watch the second half of "The Ring" together with my lovely wife, some candles and crackers with cheese.

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on augusti 29, 2003 9:02 EM.

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