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We had a nice afternoon with Jalle and Ida. We ate 8.5 rolls of sushi and then we played EBay and Chee'z Dork. EBay was really fun but Chee'z Dork was so so. I am disappointed in you, Steve Jackson!

Tovah found a new game, throwing sand around and of course most of it ended up in her hair. Check out the cloud and pebbles.

We threw them out around 19.30, Tovah took a bath (because of all the sand) and she ended up washing her hair twice in a day. She hates washing her hair.

After she fell asleep J and I dove into our analog photo collection and starting matching up missing negatives and sorting the rest a bit. I have started putting captions on the first set.

Good night everybody!

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on augusti 17, 2003 9:47 EM.

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