My day....

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Woke up around 09:30 and actually felt like I had slept enough for the first time in a long time. I stayed in bed and red a book when my dear friend Håkan called around 10:30 and wanted to check up on me. I really appreciate that, Håkan. Thanks!

Got up and ate two bananas for breakfast. Played with my new physical appearance change attribute for an hour and then left for the gym in high pace on my bike. Worked out a bit, took a walk around down town, biked to Kvantum and bought some food. Made lunch, ate on the porch, sat in the sun for an hour. Got to hot and went inside. Watched some movies. End of day.....

Now isn't that pathetic..... I have to get my act together and start doing something useful.

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on juli 2, 2003 10:09 EM.

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