Day 4

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Today me and Jalle decided to take it easy, a resting day. So far we have only been sitting in front of our computers, surfing, installing programs, looking at our digital photos, and talking. I have also been chatting with Johanna and had a rather interesting conversation with Tovah on the phone.

The weather is great. It is really warm and just some clouds. A perfect summer day. I am glad to be inside though as I have burned myself in the sun on the back of my head. I got a new haircut last week and got burned under the short hair on the back of the head. Not too bad but still nice to be inside today.

Soon we are going to eat lunch/dinner which today will be a combination of left overs.

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on juli 16, 2003 2:18 EM.

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