Peter vs Peppar

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A person I recently became friends with told me: "I haven't known you good enough to call you Peppar." That made think, do you need to know somebody just to call them by their nickname? Is Peppar part of my old shallow attitude? Perhaps it is. I have started signing all emails and notes with Peter instead. So far nobody has commented but we'll see if anybody notices.

On a sidenote, I have also started to write my emails more carefully. Both by limiting the amount of them but also use more words and most importantly, use more nice words. There is to much business in our high-speed society. People need to relax more. There is always time for a short break and reflection. The rest of the work day becomes much more efficient then.

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on maj 15, 2003 3:55 FM.

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